Monday, May 9, 2011

Tutorial Tutorial

Overview: Students will practice creating tutorials in groups by making tutorials on how to create screen shot and video tutorials. They will finish by posting their tutorial to their blog.


Screen Shot Tutorial
  1. Arrange your desktop to take a screen shot of an image of your choosing
  2. Take a partial screen shot using shift+command+4
  3. Open your blog and start a new post
  4. In new post, include 3 steps of creating a screen shot (arrange desktop, shift+command+4), rename screenshot on desktop) along with the screen shot picture you took. Also include your screen shot image
  5. Title post as Screen Shot Tutorial Tutorial
Video Tutorial
  1. Go to spotlight, type in Camtasia, and open Camtasia
  2. Choose "Full Screen"
  3. Hit Record button and record voice explaining how to take video capture using camtasia as your demonstrating on the computer
  4. When done, go to Share>Export, save as videoCapture to your desktop
  5. Open your blog and start a new post. 
  6. Insert videoCapture video and title post as Video Tutorial Tutorial