Course Notes

x-height: the height of lowercase letters
Baseline: The imaginary line where all type sits
Serif: Typefaces with small tips at the end of the stroke within the letter
Sans-Serif: Typefaces without serifs
Ascender: part of lower case letter which rises above x-height
Descender: part of lower case letter which extends below baseline
Leading: vertical distance between lines
Spacing: horizontal distance between letters

Tone: the quality of a sound expressing a mood or feeling
Pitch: the highness or lowness of a tone
Note: a tone of a definite pitch made  an instrument or voice
Tempo: Speed of music
Bar: Equally divided sections of music
Sample: A reused clip of music

Garageband Tools
Track: Single recorded audio source
Track Editor: Garageband tool use to edit tracks
Real Instrument: Live recorded track

Audio History
Edison Phonograph
War of the Worlds
Kool Herc

Color Theory
Electromagnetic Radiation: photon energy waves
Visible Light: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Hue: the attribute of color based on wavelength
Saturation: the intensity of color (eg: neon vs. greyish)
Brightness: lightness of color (eg. darker vs. lighter

Animation History
Waltz with Bashir
Secret of the Kells

Flash Tools
Tool Box: Box on left-side of Flash screen containing tools
Properties: Box on the bottom of Flash screen containing document and object properties
Pen: Flash tool that creates points and lines
Convert Anchor: Flash tool that changes the line angle and curvature
Select Arrow: Flash tool that selects objects
Subselect Arrow: Flash tool that selects points
Shape Tool: Flash tool that creates shapes
Stroke: Outline color of object
Fill: Interior color of object
Symbol: A graphic, button, or movie that can be used repetitively (Modify>Convert to Symbol)
Instance: The use of a symbol in a frame
Library: Symbol storage (column on right side of screen)
Stage: white rectangle on Flash screen where you put your content to viewed in movie
Alpha: transparency (alpha field in Properties)
Gradient: A gradient is a multicolor fill where one color changes to another (Gradient Transform tool, Color window)
Break Apart: turn image into vector graphic (modify>break apart)
Brush Tool: tool that allows you free-hand draw with the cursor

Composition Notes
Proportion: relative size of objects
Symmetry: similarity of objects
Center of Interest: main focus of an image
Directional Movement: the flow of ones eyes when reading an image

Blog Notes
Masthead: graphic image at top of blog
Hyperlink: a link from one hypertext file to a another location or page
Navigation Bar: a region on your blog containing hyperlinks
Sidebar: a column on the side of blog with supporting information
Gadget: a single-purpose app in Blogger
Template: Pre-set blog layout
Publish: Put blog live on the internet
Post: Put content entry on blog
Composition: object layout on page