Example: http://prezi.com/jkevlnnwzwlk/typeface-challenge-example/
- Complete Typeface Brainstorm
- Choose a Multimedia Application: Prezi.com, Google Presenation, Keynote, or Powerpoint
- Create a Multimedia Presentation with the following slides:
- Title Page
- Typeface Anatomy (describing the body of your typeface)
- Origins (who, what, where, when)
- History (what was going on in the world when it was created)
- Uses (what do people use this typeface for)
- Identity (if this typeface were a person, who would they be? -or- compare it to different typeface
- Hard Sale (why this typeface should be adapted as the official typeface for Digital Media)
- Prepare a speech written on notecards and rehearse your speech
- Present in Digital Media class, 3/15, 3/16, or 3/17
- Upload Multimedia piece to blog either as a quicktime mov, or export as pdf, upload to Google Docs, and post the link on your blog