The point of this assignment is to harness digital technology to demonstrate the nature of transformation in Literature, Science, or History. Students will create a three-scene, 30-second, 360 frame, Flash animation piece detailing the stages of transformation from Antigone, Species Evolution, or a Political Revolution. Here are the steps:
- Read and complete the brainstorm and animatic sheet
- Create a new Flash document and save as name_transformer.
- Create the characters. Make sure each part of the character that moves has it's own layer
- Create the backgrounds for each scene
- Begin to use keyframes and tweens to create a 360 frame, 30 second Tranformer Movie
- When done with a draft submit to Zeb for critique
- After critique, revise your movie (due November 19)
- When done, export from Flash as Animated GIF movie and upload to blog as image when done
- Write reflection and submit to Zeb through email (due December 3)