Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Masthead Assignment

Using Flash students will create a 700x200 pixel masthead, with 72 resolution. The masthead must include one graphic image as well as the student's name. When the student has finished creating the masthead they will export the masthead as a jpeg and load it to the header area of their blog. Save as name_masthead.
To create and upload your masthead on your blog, follow these instructions:

  1. Open Safari and go type in the URL bar
  2. Enter user and password (Name_lastName, 123456). You might have try a couple of times
  3. In “account settings” changed password to a 8-digit password that you will remember 
  4. Open new tab and go to
  5. Click the big orange button that says, “Create A Blog”
  6. Fill in all fields in “Create a Google Account” page. Use metro email and password. Accept terms of account and continue.
  7. Verify account by entering your cel phone #. Google will text you with the code to continue. You may look at your phone.
  8. Fill in Blog Name with something creative referring to your work in digital media. The url will be your full name.
  9. Go to “design” or “template design” to style your blog
  10. Add your masthead by going to “design” and going to “edit” in the header
